Colleen Law

What is low muscle tone and how will it impact my child?

What is low muscle tone and how will it impact my child?

I recently had a parent ask me, “What is low tone?” in response to a note she received from her child’s school occupational therapist. As an occupational therapist, I often talk about low muscle

Discipline Without Damage Does NOT Mean Without Boundaries or Growing Up

Discipline Without Damage Does NOT Mean Without Boundaries or Growing Up

People often get worried that discipline without damage, or “compassionate” parenting, means that you have to tippy-toe around your child, and further, that your child will never learn the limits and rules that are a reality of life. But this just simply is not the message — at all. Where has this fear come from? I think what has happened is that somewhere along the way, we got panicked about capably forming our children into adults. Now. Yesterday. ASAP. This panic has soaked into our child-raising culture, often propelling us to respond in ways that aren’t great for our kids.

Why Going to Therapy Isn’t the Same as Talking to a Friend

Why Going to Therapy Isn’t the Same as Talking to a Friend

I have to admit, as a therapist with many years of training, and still aiming to improve my work every day, it always frustrates me when I hear people equate the delicate and challenging

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